Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica, Universita' di Milano. A.A. 2023-2024. Secondo Semestre.
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Course Aims:
The aim of the course is to teach students to design and develop for virtual reality (VR). Participants will learn to develop for VR in a standard tool such as Unity, create interactions between avatar bodies and virtual objects, and design selection and manipulation techniques for VR. The course focuses both on the technical aspects of VR as well on the human-centred aspects. These skills are needed to develop for headset-based VR, but also in developing for other headset-based technologies, such as augmented reality. Learning will take place through lectures and hands-on VR development exercises. Students will learn also the mathematical foundations of both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as well as avatar animation. Extensive practice in the laboratory with devices of current use (Oculus-rift, Google card, 3D cameras, Leap Motion) will be provided.
At course completion, the successful student will have
Knowledge of
Skills in
Competences to
Teaching and learning methods: Lectures, hands-on programming exercises, assignments in groups, and a project singles or in groups. Per una panoramica sulla VR potete consultare: Steven M. LaValle - Virtual Reality.
Course organization (6 CFU):
Theoretical part: 16 hours
Laboratory part: 32 hours
Exam and evaluation:
- Laboratory assignements.
- Theory evaluation: pass / fail.
- Final evaluation on the laboratory graded in 30th.
Notice: For assignements and final evaluation carried out in more than one student, each student must clearly highlight his/her own contribution.
Exam requirement: To qualify for the exam, the students must have handed in and got accepted laboratory assignements..
Projects: Potete trovare possibili progetti qui. I progetti pubblicati dovranno contenere la pagina di acknowledgement del corso che potete scaricare qui.
I migliori progetti realizzati sono visibili qui sul canale YouTube del laboratorio. Alcuni progetti sono disponibili qui
Orario del corso:
Lunedi': ore 14.30-16.30 (parte teoria, lab. LM, 5o piano, via Celoria 18)
Giovedi': ore 9.30-12.30 (laboratorio, lab. LM, 5o piano, o laboratorio AIS-Lab, via Celoria 18)
Programma dettagliato della parte teorica A.A. 2023-2024
Programma dettagliato della parte di laboratorio A.A. 2023-2024
N.B.: Il diritto a scaricare il materiale accessibile da questa pagina
è riservato solamente agli studenti regolarmente iscritti al corso.
Notice: The right to download the material accessible from this page
is granted only to the students regularly enrolled in the hereabove University
Programma degli anni precedenti.