The A* algorithm is a path-finding algorithm whose purpose is to find
the shortest path from start to goal (e.g. in the pac-man game start = ghost
position whereas goal = pac-man
The A* algorithm repeatedly examines the “most promising” (lowest cost)
unexplored location it has seen so far. When a location is explored, the
algorithm ends when the location that is currently exploring represents the
goal; otherwise, the algorithm makes note of all that location’s neighbors for
further exploration.
More precisely, A* keeps track of 2 lists of states, called OPEN and
CLOSE, for unexamined and examined states, respectively. At the start, CLOSE is
empty, and OPEN has only the starting state. In each iteration the algorithm
removes the most promising state from OPEN for examination. If the state is not
the goal, its neighbor locations are examined: if they’re new, they’re placed in
OPEN whereas if they’re already in OPEN, information about those locations are
updated, if this is a cheaper path to them. Locations in CLOSE are ignored if
their cost is higher than their previous one; otherwise they’re re-opened
(removed from CLOSE and pushed into OPEN). If the OPEN list becomes empty
before the goal is found, it means there is no path to the goal from the start
Each state X includes the following information to determine the
shortest path: the cost of the cheapest path that has led to this state from
the start (which we’ll call costFromStart(X), in literature called g(X)); a
heuristic estimate costToGoal(X) (in literature called h(X)) that is the cost
of the remaining distance from X to the goal; and finally the totalCost (also
called f(X) ), defined as
CostFromStart + CostToGoal =
In addition each state keeps a pointer to its parent state; when a goal
state is found, these links can be traced back to the start in order to build
the path from start to goal.
The idea behind the heuristic cost is to estimate the true cost from a
particular node to the goal. It’s important to choose a good heuristic
function. If you always knew the real cost to the goal, A* will only follow the
best path and never expands anything else, without wasting any search time
going down the wrong path, making it very fast. But if the heuristic estimate
happens to overestimate the real cost, the heuristic becomes “inadmissible” and
the algorithm might not find the optimal path (and might find a terrible path),
but it may run faster. If the heuristic part of the total cost is bigger than
it should be, it distorts the reasoning by which nodes on the OPEN list are
picked off. Since A* always picks the node with the least total cost, this
distortion promotes nodes closer to the goal to be picked (since we don’t have
weights on edges).
The way to guarantee that the heuristic cost is never overestimated is
by calculating the Euclidean distance between the node and the goal. When
coding A* for the first time, this is the best thing to do until it’s time to
optimize. Since the cost will never be more than this distance, the optimal
path will always be found.
The lower h(X), the more node A*
expands making it slower. If h(X) is too little, then we’ll continue to get
shortest path, but slow down the things. If h(X) is too high, then we give up
shortest path, but A* will run faster.
Note: if you set the heuristic to return zero, you will never
overestimated the distance to goal, but what you will get is a simple search of
every node generated at each step (Dijkstra’s alg).
A* algorithm will not only find a path, if there is one, but it will
find the shortest path (because it has the heuristic presence).
An optimization respect Euclidean distance is
Heuristic for grid maps --> MANHATTAN
h(n) = D * (abs(n.x – goal.x) + abs(n.y – goal.y))
D = minimum cost for moving from one space to an adjacent space
As already said, A* makes use of 2 sets, OPEN and CLOSE, in order to
take care about nodes examination, and so I do. The OPEN set contains those
nodes that are candidates for examining while the CLOSE set those that have
already been examined. Initially, the OPEN set contains just one element: the
starting position and the CLOSE set is empty. Each node also keeps a pointer to
its parent node so that we can determine how it was found.
There is a main loop that repeatedly pulls out the best node n in OPEN
(the node with the lowest f value) and examines it. If n is the goal, then
we’re done. Otherwise, node n is removed from OPEN and added to CLOSE. Then its
neighbors n’ are examined. If n’ don’t belong neither to OPEN nor CLOSE then
put n’ in OPEN; if n’ belong to OPEN and it has a lower cost, then the value in
the OPEN set must be adjusted. The adjustment operation involves removing the
node, updating it and re-inserting the
node into OPEN set. If n’ belong to CLOSE and it has a lower cost, then pop it
from CLOSE e push it into OPEN (re-open it) with its associated info.
I used two hashtable to implement the 2 sets OPEN and CLOSE in order to
prevent having to do a linear search. The hash table has an hash function
equals to totalCost’s node.
The source code was implemented in J2ME.
Bibliography references from the following sources:
Amit’s thoughts on path-finding and A-star
A* algorithm tutorial (Justin
Game Programming Gems – Mark A. DeLoura –
Mobile Phone Game Programming – Michael Morrison - SAMS
Set startNode
Set goalNode
Push startNode into OPEN
While OPEN !empty
ExtractNode = pop the lowest cost node
from OPEN;
if(ExtractNode == goalNode)
I’ve found a
construct a
path backward from ExtractNode to StartNode;
examine ExtractNode neighborhood (up, down, left,
right position)
for each neighbor
if it’s an obstacle then
don’t consider this neighbor --> continue;
check if the node
belongs to OPEN;
check if the node
belongs to CLOSE;
if the node already
belongs to OPEN or CLOSE and its cost is higher than that inserted then
continue (don’t consider it);
if the node already
belongs to CLOSE and its cost is lower than that inserted then re-open it (
that is remove it from CLOSE and insert
it into OPEN);
if the node already
belongs to OPEN and its cost is lower than that inserted one then update it;
if the node doesn’t
belong neither to OPEN nor to CLOSE then insert it into OPEN;
push ExtractNode in CLOSE
SOURCE CODE - Java programming language (J2ME environment for mobile system)
You can test this program by downloading the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit (http://java.sun.com/j2me/download.html)
the game is still a work in progress
so, unfortunately, it presents some issues as well