His research activity is based on designing, developing and testing on real-problems, methods and algorithms, based on computational intelligence, with particular attention to limited processing time. In particular, he has developed novel methodology and technology in the fields of motion capture, unobtrusive tracking and sensors integration. He has also being working on developing robust, multi-scale, adaptive models for predictive regression and clustering to extract data features. More recently he has been applied this expertise to the design and realization of platforms for e-Health and e-Welfare, combining Exer-games, AI, service robots and IoT. He is co-author of more than 80 peer-reviewed journal papers, more than 100 conference reviewed papers (h-index=36) and he holds 16 international patents (h index = 37).
Strong ties with industry, that has financed research significantly, has provided direct privileged access to real application that has been both challenging and rewarding for my research group. My research has also been funded also by National and European grants, and in particular by CNR Robocare, PRIN2006 and PRIN2008 grants, and by FITREHAB (Fitness and rehabilitation at home under expert planning, Innovation for Welfare EU project), REWIRE (Rehabilitative Wayout In Responsive home Environments, Strep FP7), MOVECARE (Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARegiver for the Elder, RIA H2020) coordinated by him, and partner of the projects: Essense (Empathic platform to personally monitor, Stimulate, enrich, and aSsist Elders aNd Children in their Environment, H2020 IA) and SI-Robotics (Invecchiamento sano e attivo attraverso SocIal ROBOTICS). Cluster Tecnologie per gli Ambienti di vita. 1st January 2019 - 30th June 2021.
Teaching activity
Intelligent Systems, Virtual reality (Master level) and and Digital Architectures II (Undergraduate, first year).